Travelling in Israel, on the footsteps of Faith and History
 filled by Giulia & Romeo
A travel to Israel on the footsteps of the Faith, led from the pages of the Bible, in which the different holy places are mentioned and described. There are those who want to leave with the company of a spiritual guide, to better explore the journey from a religious point of view, those who join agencies and those who rely on their organizational skills. A trip to Israel will not disappoint everyone, because the intensity of the places you breathe is beyond your religious belief... Read more...

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Sharm El Sheik, a “sea & mountains” holiday
 filled by Giulia & Andrea
If in December you want to go where the sun always shines , with mild temperatures but enough to lie on the beach and then dive thinking about your friends that at home are covered with gloves, scarves and hats, Sharm can be your ideal destination. Located at the south east of the Sinai Peninsula, where the Gulf of Suez meets the Gulf of Aqaba, Sharm attracts sun lovers from all around the world.

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Beijing.Contradictions of a star
 filled by Giulia
It depends ... depends on what you look from that point ... it all depends on Beijing ... You can look through the windows of skyscrapers, big, huge, with the lucidity and detachment that gives you a view from above. you can watch in the thousand shops of Silk Market, Read more...

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Spring is in Cuba if you like so.
 filled by Giulia & Romeo
It starts early Labor Day, May 1, in Cuba, at eight o'clock the microphone amplifies the sound of the voice of Fidel Castro, crossing the Square of the Revolution and packed with all 14 provinces of the Caribbean island. Read more...

| Read 4152 times